Explain why you're writing. Naturally, new hires expect warmth and acceptance when they resume in a new organization. Summary. While I am thrilled about this addition to our family, I also recognize that a maternity leave will impact the office. However, if you say the right thing, it is sure to be well-received! Lin Grensing-Pophal, SHRM-SCP, is a Wisconsin-based business journalist with HR consulting experience. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA "); Need help with a specific HR issue like coronavirus or FLSA? At this time, she deserves special treatment, and we must take care of her needs. Mentioning your name, the department in which you are working, and the position in which you are serving, talk about the maternity leave that was given to you. She moved here to be closer to her family and is excited to be back in Seattle. Joyce will participate in employee onboarding activities for her first few weeks on the job.Joyce will work closely with [insert co-worker name], who will serve as her official mentor. Thus, this is why she deserves all the love from us. You are going to make amazing parents and we all wish you good luck with your new little family! Do drop by and welcome her to the team.Regards,Director, People Operations[Name][Signature], To all staff.Joyce Abraham will join ABC to fill our open position in [insert department]. For example: Mary, My wife and I (or my husband and I, or just I) have a new baby, born 03/22/2020. Start your new employee announcement email with a clear and concise subject line. For example, you could write, "Dear Mr./Ms. Download a copy of the March 2023 Police Exam Announcement Brochure here. Some companies like to send email introductions to the entire organization. This letter template has all the necessary details to guide you to structure the letter to inform the birth of your colleagues baby. This could be the day of the birth or several days later depending on your relationship. To add a picture to the email, you have three options: While email is the fastest and most convenient way to send out a birth announcement at work, you can use other means suitable to the size and atmosphere of your company. So if youre nervous about spilling the beans, dont be. This one-of-a-kind baby is (Weight) and (Height) inches of pure joy. They provide similar accommodations for non-pregnant employees who have limitations. Questions may be directed to Lena Reddick, University Police Department, 508-910-6891, lreddick@umassd.edu. If you need some help with new baby wishes for your part of the card, here are some cute ideas: Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby! He is absolutely adorable and we are all so happy for you! Talk about the maternity leave which was given to you from (the date) to (the date). But, you know what's really crazy? Well-wishers are welcome to text or email (Name of Parent Employee). Some examples of accommodations for pregnancy-related limitations include: Your employer is not allowed to charge you for any costs associated with your accommodation or reduce your pay as long as you are still doing your regular job. What a perfect addition to an wonderful family. Congratulations to the proud parents, we are so happy for you. You should include the name of the new employee, the date that they are starting, and their position with the company. We've got a Code Cute New Dad Alert! Write the date on which you conceived and whether its a boy or a girl. If you could have dinner with any living person, who and why? Mentioning your full name, the department, and the post, write that you conceived on (mention the date). The following tips might help. Please join me in welcoming our newest team member, [employee name]. While most new employee announcements are sent via email, you can also post your announcement on the company website or social media page. The same goes for companies that have many departments. Simply save the email and add the details and a photo once the baby is born. However, it can hard to know how formal or informal to be, especially if you are not close to the mother or father in question. When communicating the ins and outs of employee benefits to workers who may be far-flung and struggling with new work/life challenges, keep in mind that offerings will be valued differently by. Another way you can introduce a new employee is to schedule a team lunch or in a staff meeting. On [date] at [time] she has become a mother of a [boy/girl]. If you need accommodations to do your job effectively while pregnant, your employer must provide them as long as: Accommodations can vary widely and depend on your job and specific limitations. A succinct and concise summary of the employee's skills and achievements will do just fine. CEO Willowbury Industries, Subject Line: Welcome [Employee name] to [Company name]. To increase workplace flexibility, PwC has instituted a number of new offerings, including: The idea that benefits will be valued differently by different workforce segments is something that Evive, a digital engagement and communication technology firm, discovered through its annual National Employee Journey survey, said Elisabeth Duncan, vice president of HR at the firm. The truth is, however you decide to congratulate your coworker on their big news, you are likely to get a great reception. [Employee's name] will be part of the [department/team employee will work in or with] to [mention the key . strategic values relating to expectations, 7+ Email Personalization Practices with Real Examples, 14 Reminder Email Examples For Every Situation (Templates), 11 Customer Survey Email Template Examples. ", Hoogensen said it's important to keep things simple"both the way we talk about benefits and the processes in place to make them available.". If you were granted one extra hour each day, how would you use it? It is common to announce the new baby just before the employee returns to work. If you are close enough and feel that a greeting card or email is not enough, then the best way to find a gift is to look at their list of baby shower gifts on the registry. All our love and warm wishes to the new family member! Other than that, just enjoy the newborn snuggles. As you all know that she will be on maternity leave from [date] to [date]. Sending you much love and warm wishes at this happy time. This new hire announcement can help other employees understand how they'll be working with . Siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, co-workers, and family friends alike leap at the chance to congratulate and encourage pare, 30 Friendly Farewell Messages for When a Colleague Is Leaving, It can be difficult to find the right words to say goodbye to a colleague who is leaving your team or moving on from the company. Try your best to share personally with those you work with most closely, and dont worry if you cannot get to everyone. Employers are pivoting here, she said, and instead are more likely to offer perks such as home delivery of lunches. Assistant, Nancys responsibilities will include handling our organizations daily administrative duties. What age do babies sleep through the night? And this new employee announcement email becomes a premise for a healthy and long-term relationship. Nancy Newcomer will be training [employee name], and Im sure youll see the two of them in the office during orientation next week so be sure to say hi. If you dont get the chance to see [employee name] throughout the week, well be hosting a brief welcome coffee and donut break on Friday. , and their contact details. Hello everyone,Please lets welcome the new member of our organization:Joyce AbrahamJoyce has been a part of the [name] industry for the past [number] of years and has worked with prominent brands such as [names]. Start with your HR person's first name if that's what people at your job call them. This one from Amazon comes fully assembled with 60 diapers to start the parents off. March 03, 2023. A list of tasks you intend to do to help prepare for your maternity leave coverage. The baby weighed [birth weight] and measured [birth height]. Will Employers Bring Masks Back to the Workplace? Enjoy these precious early days, and dont worry about work everything is under control! What To Buy A New Mom For Herself (Not Baby! Please do not remove any watermarks, crop, or edit any of my images without first obtaining written permission from me. Formal invitation letter to be present at the function. Writing a new hire welcome message goes beyond the regular congratulations, welcome to the team.. Any sort of letter that talks about something personal about you, to the boss of your company should always be written appropriately. When you announce your pregnancy at work in a way that lets others know youre looking out for them, it makes it easier for them to look out for you, too. Keep the tone professional. Here are a few super cute (and funny) new baby card for a coworker options that you can use: Here is a funny (although a bit vulgar) new baby card that would be perfect to congratulate a coworker on their new arrival. Im so happy for you! Your session has expired. Pregnancy is about 40 weeks overall, announcing it at about 14 weeks allows your work to prepare for your departure for a good 26 weeks or about 6 months. Deciding how to congratulate a coworker on a new baby can be a bit of a minefield. You might see some items that were not bought that you could get, the beauty of this is that the gift will either be sent to the new parents home or they can pick it up at their leisure. The new employee announcement email is part of the onboarding process. If this is your company policy, youll want to include that in the email as well. A fun approach to new hires is to create a short questionnaire and have the employee complete it, and then share the answers. Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. Hoping to finally get some shut-eye? }); if($('.container-footer').length > 1){ The way you announce your pregnancy to your coworkers will vary significantly based upon your workplace culture and your relationships with your coworkers. Warm congratulations on your new role as proud parents! 100 Cool Pregnancy Announcement Ideas (You Will Love), Tips for Taking Better Maternity Shoot Photographs, 100 Maternity Photoshoot Ideas (Funny, Cute, Creative & More), Tell All Your Peeps: The 25 Best Easter Pregnancy Announcement Ideas, When to Announce Pregnancy (Should You Wait? Wow your relatives and closest friends with these unique baby announcement ideas! It could be embarrassing. That way, the new hire can better understand how things work in the company. The birth of a baby is a real matter of happiness that needs to be shared with everyone. Aside from your subtle tone, your language choice must portray warmth and acceptance, and the message reflects the following: Your new employee announcement email campaign should begin with a clearly defined purpose. Make sure your email is short, easily readable, and informative. Take a look at this adorable face, but be warned, you may never fall in love like this again! Employers should not assume that employees appreciate or even are fully aware of all the benefits available to them. This bridges the communication gap and assures the new hire that her needs will get an immediate response whenever she reaches out through that channel. He/she boasts the following career highlights: Over the next several weeks, we will be working hard to train our newest recruit in snuggling, sleeping, and laughing. If you are already mailing out birth announcements, consider sending one to your workplace if it is large or one to each co-worker if there are fewer than 20 employees. Subject line: Welcoming [Employee's name] to [Company name] / [department] Hi all, Let's give a warm welcome to [Employee's name] who will be joining us as a [Job title] on [Start date]. [Employee name] is a [academic/schooling background] student and working to earn an Associate Degree in [major]. Congratulations on your new baby! I know, hard to believe, right? Happy Hour 1: Give new employees a brief introduction. Meet our new [job title] +1; New hire announcement; Introducing our new [job title] Pleased to be your new (insert title here)! Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. Writing a birth announcement email for co-workers is similar to writing a business email in that it should be professional and to-the-point. Information you might want to include in your new employee email announcement could be: Something about their educational/professional background, Something personal about the new employee, Where the new person will be located in the building, How to get in touch with the new employee. My name is (Baby First Name) and I was born on (Date) at (Time). 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. We all know the effort and strength she had shown during these past ninth months, even going to the extent of coming to the office for her work till the 8 months of the pregnancy, which is a commendable job in and of itself. Workplace emails should be short and simple. The most common way to congratulate a coworker on a newborn baby is by email. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. She would probably be discharged from the hospital on [mention the relevant date], and everyone is expected to not tell her about the surprise party. Perhaps theyd like to add a photo of them with their family or their pets or a photo of their favorite pastime. When employers asked employees to rank the benefits they don't yet have but would most like to receive, Duncan said, responses differed across generations, with the most-desired benefits as follows: The only commonality across the four generations was a desire for a four-day workweek. Mary has 4 years of experience as an officer in the Navy Nurse Corps. They also raise productivity by over 70%, Glassdoor reports. Parents.com suggests baby announcements should include basic information about the family and reflect its personality. You shouldn't need to write a memo any longer than one page, even if the employee has a long and illustrious history with the company. If youre going to do something like this, the key is making sure its the same questionnaire for all new hires. 2. After all, it will be obvious as your belly swells over the next few months. If youre not ready to share your good news, its generally easy to hide your first-trimester bump, if you even have one, with loose clothes. It is my great pleasure to announce that he will be joining us in the capacity of [designation] in the [name] department.Apart from work, ABC is also an avid reader [or any other hobby]. When you are generating a mass email for the workplace announcement, there are several factors to keep in mind: Once you are sure it is OK to email an announcement to co-workers, know what information to include, and are clear on the tone of the email, you can start writing. Especially in an email to your workplace, too much information in the photo is not recommended. Write the date from when you will be resuming your duties again. Put your baby boy announcement on Facebook by posting it on your profile and tagging co-workers or sending out a group message on Facebook Messenger. There are several ways on how to congratulate a coworker on the birth of their new baby. If he/she doesn't bring a smile to your face, we'll give you a full refund of all the hugs, well-wishes, or gifts you gave him/her. After congratulating the new hire, introduce her to highlight how she fits into your organization. Why? Whats the best professional advice youve ever been given. You can learn about the specific regulations of your state here. else if(currentUrl.indexOf("/about-shrm/pages/shrm-mena.aspx") > -1) { It all starts with announcing your pregnancy to your employer, which you need to do with care, respect, and intention. careers@domain.com. Extremely large companies might have many locations or buildings and only send notices to the involved location. No one is even talking about what happened in the Bachelor last night! Apply it in practice with Sender.net - the most cost-effective email marketing solution in the market. Im very pleased to announce that Nancy Newton will be joining our Human Resources Department here at Willowbury Industries on January 2, 2021. Thank you for sharing in this joyous news with us. A former writer/producer for The Discovery Channel, she is now a freelance writer and delighted to be sharing her talents and time with the wonderful Zippia audience. Is Telehealth Really Saving Money for Employers? We want pictures of the little angel! Its best if you keep your announcement to one page or even just a few short paragraphs. At least for a few weeks. TELUS Health offers free or discounted services to support your personal success and help with everyday challenges. We are so happy for the arrival of your healthy new baby. Idea #4: Post a Photo of New Hires on the Office Wall. As you dream of possibilities , enjoy these beautiful times with your new baby girl. If you see Joyce around the office, ensure you extend her a warm welcome. The whole family is doing great, and we'd be happy to welcome scheduled visitors starting (Date). [Employee Name] will work with [Department/Team] to [brief description of duties, title, etc.]. FMLA leave is limited to 12 weeks within a one-year period, and most women use it for their maternity leave. (Employee Name) and (Partner Name) wish to present the newest member of our family, (Baby's Full Name). Before telling your boss youre pregnant, its ideal if youve given thought to the following and can communicate your plans clearly: If you announce your pregnancy to your boss over email, consider using the following template. This is because the new hire understands she is a part of a new work family now, as the announcement email eases her into the new workplace. You can ask for a temporary reassignment, reduced hours, or light duty but you may also be subject to reduced pay if you are no longer doing your regular job. A new employee announcement email is a message that announces that a new hire just joined you. Another good idea is to send a basket of baby goodies along with a congratulatory message. Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. The news of your newborn has gone viral in the office gossip mill! While you may not be ready to share your condition widely with the whole office, sharing on a need-to-know basis may be necessary. Write a few things about your journey (keep it short). Send a gift or card to (Email Author's Name) desk by (Date) if you want in. Let us welcome her and let her know that you are excited about her joining the team. We just heard the wonderful news today, and are all so excited for you. Just make sure you have a plan before you do it. What Is Human Resource Development (HRD)? Jim Danner Join now to receive free weekly newsletters tracking your baby's development and yours throughout your pregnancy. Liberty Mutual has been checking in with employees through regular surveys and virtual focus groups. Congratulations! This all depends on your company, the size, and the culture. Check with your boss to be sure you have permission to send out a mass email. If communicating the ins and outs of employee benefits was difficult before the COVID-19 pandemic, it's even more so now, as employees are often far-flung and struggling with new work/life challenges. Sending you all wishes of health and happiness. (Your Name), On Behalf of the (Parent's Last Name) Family. Enjoy the coming weeks and stay in touch!